Cookie Policy

At MuscleGainPro, we employ “cookies” to enhance the browsing experience for our website visitors. Cookies are small files consisting of letters and numbers, placed on your computer by web page servers. They assist in distinguishing you from other users without compromising your privacy or the security of your device.

What Cookies Are and What They Do

  • What They Are: Cookies are small text files that serve as identifiers and memory aids, making your browsing experience more efficient and personalized.
  • What They Do: Cookies cannot execute as code, deliver viruses, or access your hard drive. Even if we store cookies on your device, we cannot read or access any information on your hard drive.

How We Use Cookies

The data generated through cookies on MuscleGainPro’s website serves various purposes:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential for enabling basic functions of our website, such as accessing secure areas and saving items to a shopping basket.

Mention Me Friend Referral Scheme Cookies

Cookies placed during the referral process help us:

  • Identify unique browsers in our referral flow, preventing fraudulent use.
  • Support customers clicking on share links and landing on the correct page.
  • Allow site visitors to close pop-ups or corner peels for a better browsing experience.
  • Ensure returning visitors see the same offer consistently.
  • Enable the referral scheme while allowing you to opt out of other types of cookies.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect data about how visitors use our website, helping us improve its functionality and performance for future versions.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies remember your choices, such as your username, language, or region, providing an enhanced user experience.

Targeting or Advertising Cookies

These cookies deliver content tailored to your interests, ensuring a more relevant experience.

Our Use of Google Analytics

MuscleGainPro’s website uses Google Analytics, an analytical tool that employs cookies to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior data in an anonymous format. This information is used to assess website activity and create statistical reports for MuscleGainPro. We do not use this data to identify individual visitors, and Google does not associate your IP address with any other data it holds.

Your Cookie Choices

MuscleGainPro is legally required to obtain your consent for all types of cookies except “Strictly Necessary” ones. We offer you the option to manage the types of cookies used on our EU-focused websites during your visit.

Please note that blocking cookies, including “Strictly Necessary” ones, may limit your access to certain functionality or parts of our site.

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies, please feel free to contact us.